Monday, June 10, 2013

Ramblings of an old life

The day started like any other… waking to that damn alarm.  Struggling from a restless night sleep, I stumbled to yet another hotel bathroom and hurriedly got ready to rush to the lobby to catch the shuttle to the airport.  This job had way too much traveling.  I just wanted to get home to my family and figure out what had been destroyed while I was away.  It was always great to get home, but catching up on the laundry that had never been touched, and the dishes that were exploding from the sink.  The floors were always the worst.  Whoever told her that having 3 dogs would not be messy?  The Great Pyrenees, Stazi was the worst.  That dog drug in all of the mud from the entire county.  Each day she would dig deeper into to her favorite sleeping hole.  Each day the drizzle from living in the rainforest caused her beautiful white hair to turn brown.  Oh and how she sheds, there is enough hair daily on the floor to fill a pillow, and she had been gone for  a week this time, she was sure that there would be a garbage bag full…. All of the lower walls would hold traces of the mud that she had carried in.  The other dogs were really no better.  Tiger a pit-bull, and Rascal a border collie made their share of messes as well.  Tiger has a very temperamental stomach  and explodes from both ends whenever he eats anything other than dog food… But he loves his trash, and Stazi is quick to turn it over for him, she being a trash dog as well. 


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